Here’s What to Expect in digital marketing trends in 2024


It is important to prepare your company for the annual marketing plan, ensuring you adhere to it! Furthermore, the year 2024 brought in drastic changes into the digital marketing arena. All transitions have enabled the companies to revamp the way customers, companies and business relate. 

Thus, it’s quite clear that staying on top of trends and incorporating them in your marketing scheme is vital. And the good news is, this is the best way to surpass your competitors, ensuring your company never uses strategies that are inefficient and outdated to reach their target audience.

Consequently, utilization of such attributes will hamper your business productivity and lead them into a series of negative events. 

But don’t fret over, as in this blog we have gathered some of the forecasts for the digital marketing sector in 2022. So continue reading and begin to plan your company’s 2022 digital marketing future now!!

Where our 2021 digital marketing efforts are going

Digital first monetisation and experiences of social media profiles. For many, it was long overdue. For a few, they were already there and wanted to make that position concrete. As we are aware that mobile internet traffic had  overtaken desktop at the close of 2019. This trend has become strong  in 2021 as Google chooses to rank the mobile page experience.

Moreover, as the three giant channels of social media such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter get stable, other channels are enhancing. TikTok saw massive growth over the last year and is hard to ignore for B2C brands trying to capture Z Gen. 

Let’s start with the first forecast of 2022 digital marketing trend;

  1.     Micro Influencer Marketing

This is one of the archaic methods of digital marketing which has been used for years now! In a real sense, brands thought that it was more advantageous for partners with great impact!

 As a result, this approach turned out to be expensive and astonishingly ineffective. The truth is – Celebrities and influencers who have gathered more than a million followers ask for value in 5-6 digits per post. Thus the margin for ROI is very tight. 

In the year 2020 we noticed a new spiral of influencers taking their stage forefront – The micro influencers. This set of influencers have become more prominent among marketers and followers both. Well, this has been evolving since people discovered the impact they have on purchasing decisions. All of such aspects point out that micro marketing influencers will be the one of the greatest trends of 2022 in the digital marketing niche. 

  1.   Interactive Marketing– Adding interactive components to your social media or  website is the effective way to add essence to your visitors, to get them involved in your brand and learn more about the products. Thus, it is necessary to have a responsive website design and offer the best UX possible.

Although this trend has become more fundamental with the pandemic and therefore, it has become crucial to think about new tactics to attract traffic towards the company’s website.

Well, it definitely seems this trend will take the stage of captivating users attention more in 2022 as compared to the past years. 

  1. User Generated content– As the name suggests UGC it has become a pillar of many brands and it far exceeds the content created by brand. Thus it is not necessary to merely captivate customers to generate content, but also be potent to market your products.

Hence, it’s an undeniable fact, that this is a strategy that assures to be chief among digital marketing trends in 2022. Optimized Testing- Though many companies used to prefer a 360-degree comprehensive interaction with their consumers, not only is this time and money consuming, but might also result in getting not-so-clear responses.

This can also result in delaying the digital marketing initiative. One should opt for measures that will yield desirable results in a short span of time. This is where technology comes in, with various testing tools like Multivariate testing, Split or A/B testing, where you can get nearly accurate if not absolute results. 

These methods don’t require huge data to process information and give indicative genuine responses, what one is looking for. 

  1. Lives– Major forecast of 2022 Digital Marketing- A study showcases that in the past years one among five videos were live streamed and 1 million users of Instagram watched live videos every day.
  1. Voice Marketing

  The rising use of voice assistants by businesses of all sizes has opened new doors of opportunities for marketers. Many marketing experts are placing huge bets on voice assistants being the future of marketing as it allows contextual interactions with users and customers. Many enterprises are relying on voice-enabled technology as a tool that can help them promote personalization to a whole new level altogether. 

  1. Sales Via Social network– Few changes in social platforms have allowed several companies to begin to use their Facebook profile on social networks as a sales channel and currently the majority of people are shopping via social networks such as Instagram, Pinterest and Facebook etc.

 Therefore, it is now vital than ever before to make your brand, services and products available on social media for purchase. Especially during such times when the majority of companies are shifting to digital schemes in order to compensate for the changes that took place due to the COVID-19.

The digital marketing landscape doesn’t stay stagnant  for long. After the breakneck of digital transformation last year, many were hoping to slow things down. Read on to know about more  trends into more detail.

AI is regaining scope again! 

Artificial intelligence continues to grow in importance to businesses of any size (Entrepreneur, 2018). With AI, you can easily complete tasks people usually have trouble with and make data analysis more effective.

For marketing, AI can target potential leads fast and efficiently. It can also track consumer online habits and make sense of people’s behavior.

Whether you continue to have doubts and raise some ethical concerns about AI, it is a sound business strategy to explore how people respond to it. Likewise, it pays to know if your competitors are already utilizing it in their marketing campaigns.

In-feed shopping

We all know what eCommerce is. Many of us have seen ads on social media that link out to websites to buy a specific product. Many  social media platforms are investing huge amounts  in their shopping potential. Yes, this includes permitting  businesses to form  their online shops within the platforms but it is more than that and beyond. 

Faded  lines between influencer marketing and social media shopping, in-feed shopping is coming fast. See a piece of clothing you like during a video, simply click and buy. Listening to beauty tips from an influencer, click and buy that moisturiser. The social media giants are seeking to monetise your social feed, giving a much closer link between advertising and revenue. 

Final Words

 All of these digital marketing trends definitely are not the complete list, but the top five which will undoubtedly be an effective attribute for planning your 2022 digital marketing strategy.

 Additionally, they can at the same time render the retention of your customer base achieved so far and so on.

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